Portrait Photography Course | Beginner Level
Course Fee: Rs. 15,300 | 8 sessions
History & Evolution of Portraiture in Art, Politics, and Commerce
Significance of Photography in Portraiture
Working with DSLR & Mirrorless Cameras
Use of Camera Angles, Lighting, Composition & Framing to create a mood
Studio Lighting Setups for Human Subjects
Pose, Setting, and Symbolism for Portraiture
How to process an image and store it
Post-Production/Editing on Adobe Photoshop & Lightroom: Adjusting Exposure, Cropping, Sharpening, Noise Reduction, Blemish Removal, etc.
A FREE 2-month subscription of the Adobe Software Suite is included in the course fee.
All course material and worksheets that you receive during the course are personalised to your skill level and the requirements of your personal project.
As part of the course, you will plan and execute a photoshoot with inputs and technical support from industry professionals.
At the end of the course, you will display a series of portraits in an Exclusive Art Exhibition conducted by The Light Lab.
Introductory Fashion Photography Course | Beginner to Intermediate Level
Course Fee: Rs. 15,300 | 8 sessions
Introduction to DSLR/Mirrorless Cameras and Studio Lighting Equipment
Genres in Fashion Photography, and Iconic Fashion Photographers through the ages
Developing a Concept & Creating a Moodboard
Lighting Principals and Techniques in Fashion Photography
Working with Colour & Texture, Skin & Fabric
Basics of Styling, Posing, and Art Direction for Fashion Photography
Planning & Scheduling a Photoshoot
Basics of Fashion Retouching: Colour Correction & Tonal Adjustments
Skin Retouching on Adobe Photoshop & Lightroom Blemish Removal, Texture Preservation, and Smoothening
A FREE 2-month subscription of the Adobe Software Suite is included in the course fee.
All course material and worksheets that you receive during the course are personalised to your skill level and the requirements of your personal project.
As part of the course, you will plan and execute a photoshoot with professional models and technical support from industry professionals.
At the end of the course, you will display a series of Fashion Portraits conceptualised, shot and edited by you in an Exclusive Art Exhibition conducted by The Light Lab.
Dynamic Still Life Photography Course with AI | Beginner to Intermediate Level
Course Fee: Rs. 15,300 | 8 sessions
Working with DSLR/Mirrorless Cameras and Studio Lighting Equipment
Still Life Compositions in Art & Photography
Basics of Tabletop Setups and Common Challenges
Tabletop Setups for Product Photography and Food Photography
Basic Set Making and Use of Everyday Objects for Tabletop Setups
Rules & Principles of Composition
Basics of Lighting & Lighting Setups for Tabletop Photography
Creating Dynamism is Still Life Photography
Conceptualisation & Visualisation for World Creation
Processing an Image: Retouching, Editing, And Photo Manipulation
Using Artificial Intelligence in the Post-Production Process
A FREE 2-month subscription of the Adobe Software Suite is included in the course fee.
All course material and worksheets that you receive during the course are personalised to your skill level and the requirements of your personal project.
As part of the course, you will learn how to speeden up your post-production process and create other-worldly visuals using Generative AI Prompts
At the end of the course, you will display a series of images conceptualised, shot and edited by you in an Exclusive Art Exhibition conducted by The Light Lab.
Each 8-session long course will include:
Theoretical Instruction using images, videos, and physical demonstrations in class
Practical Sessions where participants learn how to handle and use the latest photography equipment
Practice Photoshoots where participants work with professional models, stylists, and makeup artists
Guest Lectures & Demonstrations by Industry Professionals
Participants will be expected to complete short assignments designed to be building blocks towards their personal project that will be exhibited at an exclusive Art Exhibition at end of the course.
Both! Designed for busy adults and even busier kids, these learning modules are also tailored to each batch.
It’s actually an intensive photography crash course, but it’s designed as a series of bite-sized workshops spread over 8 sessions that will be scheduled over a month or two.
Each course is made of 8 sessions, each 2 to 3 hours long.
The sessions will be conducted in our studio in Kalyan Nagar, Kamanahalli. There will be field visits and studio visits (all included in the course fee)
Fill in the form to your right to express your interest. One of us from the studio will then get in touch with within 4 working days to collect further information regarding your expectations of the course. The team will then create a batch and draw up a schedule that fits your daily routine.
Once you are satisfied with the schedule, you can make the payment to complete the admission process. -
TLL Courses are made for (and made by) a small group of people. So, 5 to 7 people, maybe 8, based on the number of enquiries we get.
No. Please bring along your camera, if you have one. Otherwise, one will be provided to you for use during our sessions. You’ll be using a lot of the studio’s equipment, too, during the course. And, we can always guide you if you choose to buy a piece of equipment.
Since this is a very hands-on and a highly customised courses that will take into account what you want and how you learn, it is just better that our team meets you in person and we sort of go on this journey together.
If you are an individual looking for
Photography Classes or Courses:
If you are an educator, human resource manager, or contacting us on behalf of an organisation/office:
Call or WhatsApp us
on +91 944 700 2615
Write to us at hellolightlab@gmail.com